3rd and 4th Class 21/22
Welcome to the class blog for 3rd & 4th class. We hope that enjoy looking at some the activities, lessons and outings that we get up to in our class.
Class Information
Class Teacher : Mr. Donagh O'Mahony
Our Class
For the last number of weeks in English we have been looking at the genre of persuasive writing. As part of this we explore the area of informal and informal debates. We looked at the role of the different people who are involved in formal debate. We also had our own formal debates as a class.
We are in The Summer Mood
We are getting into the summer mood here in 3rd & 4th class. With our school tour behind us and days getting longer, its really beginning to feel a lot like summer. Have a look at the art that we completed recently.
We are really looking to some of fun summer activities that we will be completing in the coming weeks.
School Tour: Fota Adventure Centre

On Wednesday 19th we went to Fota Adventure Centre for our school tour. It was a great to able to go on such outing again having being unable to do so over the past two years. As part of the tour we got to undertake some extremely fun activities such as obstacle courses, nerf guns and survival skills. The survival skills included making fire, building tents and we even got to roast our own marshmallows. A great day has had by all! Make sure to watch our video above which shows all the fun and activities that we undertook.
Eurovision Fun
This week for music we were looking at all things Eurovision. As part of this we had own mini Eurovision where got to the juries for different countries who take part in Eurovision. We listened to twelve different songs which were a mixture from this year contest and some famous entries from years gone by. At the end we had to decide where we should give our votes to. After al countries had given their scores we had a clear winner. We picked Fairytale which won the Eurovision for Norway in 2009.
Art: What Makes Me, Me?
We have been looking at what makes each of us unique. For this we were looking at our own individuals talents and the activities that we enjoy. This formed part of our art lesson, where we had to draw this information to show what makes us, us!
STEM Challenge: Who Can Make the Longest Paper Chain?
This week the class were faced with a STEM Challenge of which pair could make the longest paper chain. For this each pair were given an A4 sheet of paper, scissors, pencil and glue stick. They weren't allowed to use any other materials. Each pair began the challenge by discussing how best to approach the challenge and the role that each person would take on. Following discussion time, a thirty minute timer was set for them to complete the task.
When the timer went and at the end of some excellent time work it was time to measure up the chains. Before measuring each pair explained their approach that they took.
A big well done to our winning pupils who won with a very impressive chain which measured 2m 96cm!
Cork City Sports Try-outs
Each day during Lent we as a class did laps for Lent, we also over the past number of weeks focused on the topic of Athletics in PE. This was to prepare us for our Cork City Try-Outs. We are delighted that we can be looking forward to attending such exciting events once again. At extremely tight races we were able to pick the students that will be representing the school. Best of luck to all the students who will be going forward to represent our school.
Litter Picking in Our Community
A big thank you to our Green School Co-ordinator Mrs. O' Callaghan who organised to take the class litter picking around our local community.
Our route took us though the village and around the local playground. We filled five bags of rubbish. A big well done to everyone in the class who helped in keeping our village looking so clean.
Easter Egg Hunt Fun
We had great fun on the day of the Easter Holidays when we completed a Easter Egg Hunt. We got to work together with Junior & Senior Infants in trying to find Easter Eggs around the school. When we found them we got to trade them in chocolate and marshmallow Easter Eggs!
We got to explore all areas in around the schools grounds in trying to find them. A big well done to the pupils who found the hidden Easter Chick which meant they got an extra Cream Egg treat!
Happy Easter to Everyone from all in Third & Fourth Class!
Easter Activities
We have been very busy focusing on the area of Easter recently in all subjects areas. Particularly in art, we completed a number of easy based lessons. Have a look at some of the Easter animals that we drew and designed.
Chris Hadfield Webinar
"We were delighted to partake in the Inspiring Ireland, Inspiring Students Interview with Chris Hadfield which was done in conjunction with over six hundred other classes in Ireland. Chris told us all about his experiences as an Astronaut and how his journey began at a very young age. He gave us some great advice about setting personal goals and how to achieve them. Some of his stories and experiences were fascinating.
Spring Has Sprung in Our School Garden
A big thank you to our caretaker Tim was took our class planting in our school garden recently. We planted potatoes in our plot in the garden. We will be maintaining our garden plot and watering it regularly. We can't wait to watch them grow over the coming weeks and months.
Water Relay Fun
Currently in PE we are focusing on the area of Athletics. As part of this we have been looking at team relays, this has included how to pass a relay baton to a team mate while running. We had great doing a water relay in which had to pass the baton and a sponge. We then had to soak the sponge in water before sprinting to the other side of the yard and squeeze it into cups. The winners were the team who had their cups full first.
Block Coding: Mario Hour of Code
Today we started looking at Block Coding in our class. For this we used the Hour of Code website. We completed a number of different challenged while creating code to play a Mario games. We had great fun explore block coding and we can't wait to further explore it over the coming weeks.
Irish Song: An Leipreachán

As part of our Irish lessons during Seacthain Na Gaeilge we learnt and performed the song An Leipreachán. Have a lesson to our performance in the video below.
An Dreoilin
As part of Seachtain Na Gaeilge our class learnt An Dreoilin. We had great fun in learning, performing and recording the dance. Have a look at our performance. We hope that everyone has a lovely St. Patrick's Day and enjoys the the bank holiday weekend.

Saint Patrick - The Man Who Changed Ireland: Webinar
Today out class took part in a live interactive webinar with a number of other schools around the country. This webinar was facilitated by the Clare Education Centre. The topic of the webinar was Saint Patrick: The Man Who Changed Ireland. It was a very enjoyable and informative session which involved very entertaining story telling. We learnt a lot of new and interesting facts about the life of Saint Patrick. A big thank you to Clare Education Centre for running the webinar.
Seacthain Na Gaeilge: Tráth Na gCeist
Seachtain Na Gaeilge is in full swing in 3rd & 4th Class. We are completing a wide variety of lessons and activities to celebrate the week.
Today we we completed a Irish General Knowledge Quiz using Kahoot. A big well done to winning team who won after a very tight and exciting finish.
Engineers Week with Microsoft Dream Space
As part of Engineers Week our Class did a two hour interactive lesson with the Microsoft Dream Space Team. We also got to interactive with other schools from around the country as part of the lesson. During the session got to explore the role of engineers and the different types of engineers. In particular we focused on the area of software engineers and we got to explore the job of a software engineer.
Using the Microsoft Arcade Code Website we got to create our own video games from start to finish using code. We had a great time trying building the games and solving the problems that we ran into. At the end we got to try out each others games which was great fun.
Happy St. Valentine's Day
Today in class we marked St. Valentine's Day and created our own cards.
We had great fun in cutting, colouring and designing our cards. Have a look at some of our work.
Happy St. Valentine's Day from all in 3rd & 4th Class.
Safer Internet Day & HTML Heroes
This week in school we celebrated Safer Internet Day. As part of this we revised the importance of STOP, BLOCK & TELL when dealing with tricking situations online. This week also marked the start of our class learning about the programme HTML Heroes: An Introduction to the Internet. This is a eight part programme which will be covered over the coming weeks and is ran by webswise.ie. The areas that will be covered are:
Welcome to the Internet
Searching the Internet
What can I trust online?
Webwise Quiz
My Information online
Respectful communication online
Anonymous online
Chatwise assessment
Exploring the Topic of Length Around our School
This week in maths both classes have been looking at the topic of length in maths.
As part of this we have been busy estimating and measuring various objects around our school.
In three class we have been focused on getting the length and width using various types of measurement.
While in fourth class we focused on working out the perimeter and area of different items.
We were really impressed with our estimation skills!
GAA Coaching Back Up & Running
We were delighted to welcome back Pat Spratt to our school today. We had great fun and games in practicing our football skills. We can't wait to further practice skills these over the coming weeks. We also also be looking at the area of Gaelic Games in PE for the coming
Minecraft for Education Coding Fun
Today we started working on our Minecraft for Education and Hour of Code accounts. We are delighted to be part of this initiative which is being run by Ireland's Future is Mine. Over the next number of weeks we will explore the area of coding through the use of Minecraft. We had great today creating our own worlds and getting to join into other pupils worlds also. We cannot wait to explore more over the next number of weeks.
Making St. Brigid's Day Crosses to Celebrate St. Brigid's Day
Today the 1st of February for many marks the start of spring and is also day in which we celebrate St. Brigid.
Over the past number of days in school we have been learning all about St. Brigid as part of our Religion lessons.
In particular we learnt about the story of St. Brigid and The Chieftain.
To celebrate St. Brigid's Day in our class we made our own St. Brigid's Day crosses using rushes. We had great fun making them and can't wait to bring them home.
Our Community Garda Talks to Our Class
A big thank you to our local community Garda who recently had a zoom call with our class. The theme of the talk was regarding how to be a good neighbour. The talk was extremely practical and gave us loads of ideas of how we can be a good neighbour. We are looking forward to our next talk and can't wait to be able to welcome our community Garda back into our classroom.
Santa Comes to 3rd & 4th Class!
We had a very special visitor to our class on Wednesday the day of the Christmas Holidays when Santa came to visit!
We really enjoyed listening to and talking to him.
He even gave us each a selection box!
Happy Christmas!
Christmas Raffle Winner
A big thank you to everyone who bought tickets for the Christmas School Raffle.
There was a raffle for each classroom. A big congratulations to each of the winners, in particular the winner in the 3rd & 4th classroom.
A Christmas Message from 3rd & 4th Class

Unfortunately, once again this year we were unable to put on a Christmas Performance for people to come and see. However, this didn't mean that we didn't celebrate Christmas in our class. As part of this we recorded a Christmas for all of you to listen to. Each of us got a learn in message which we recorded using our green screen and created the video using iMovie. We know Christmas might be different once again this year but this doesn't mean it will be any less magical and important.
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
Hot Chocolate Treats!
While watching the Panto of Jack & The Beanstalk. We were treated to hot chocolate with marshmallows. We really enjoyed the treat and made the panto even better!
Christmas Panto Time in 3rd & 4th Class
Last Friday, we watched the Panto Jack & The Beanstalk which was performed by West Midlands Theatre. We really enjoyed it and it got five star reviews all-round!
Irish Poem: An Nollaig

In the run up to Christmas we learnt the poem An Nollaig. We also recorded our performance of the poem.
We hope that you enjoy listening to it.
Our Elfie Selfies
As part of art lessons in the run up to Christmas we created elf versions of ourselves!
First off we had to decide on the costume that we wanted our elf to wear. This involved mixing different paints to create the colour paint that we wanted.
After we took our picture and cut all the different parts out before putting it all together.
We had great fun animating our elves and getting them to talk using the Chatterpix app.
Have a look through the image carousel to see our Elfie Selfies.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
We are getting into the spirit of Christmas in 3rd & 4th class. Christmas Art is always good fun and something that we really enjoy.
This week for art we listened to the song O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree. After we drew and and painted our own Christmas tree onto music sheets of the song O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree.
Our Christmas Cards Arrived
Our Christmas cards that we designed a number of weeks are back are from the printers. We can't wait to bring them home and to send them out to our friends and families.
Our Paint Mixing Art
In art we have began looking at the area of paint and colour. For for first lesson we looked at the primary and secondary colours, mixing primary colours and colours that compliment one another.
In creating our colour wheel we painted in the primary colours of yellow, red and blue. We then mixed the primary colours with our partner to make the rest of the colours.
We then created eyes using our colour wheels.
The Nutty Scientists Visit 3rd & 4th Class
This Thursday we had a visit from the Nutty Scientists. We had great undertaking a number of different experiments along with watching the demonstrations of others.
We can't wait to have them back in our class again soon stage soon. Make sure to a have through the different pictures which shows all the fun activities that we got up to.
Rivers & Lakes of Ireland Kahoot Quiz
In geography for the past numbers of weeks we have been learning all about the rivers and lakes of Ireland.
This follows on from us learning about the different counties and provinces of Ireland.
We have learnt all about researching facts on our iPads, using maps and reading information in our books.
To test of knowledge of what we learnt we had a Kahoot Quiz. Well done to Rory & Jason who won the quiz!
Our First Day Wearing Masks
Today was our first full day wearing masks in our class. A lot of us were wearing masks over the past numbers of weeks so it wasn't too big of a change.
It was great to see every coming in with their masks and adjusting so well to change.
Well done everyone!
Drámaíocht: Na Trí Ghabhar
This week in Irish and drama we were looking at the readers theatre of Na Trí Ghabhar.
In our groups we read and practiced actions for the story before recording it using our green screen background. The green screen is always a source of fun and entertainment. We had great fun recording and watching back our videos.
We hope we enjoy watching our recordings.

New Library Books
A big thank you to everyone who purchased books during our recent school book fair. The raised allowed us to purchase new books for each class library.
As a class discussed our favourite books and authors in our class library. We then then had a vote on which authors we would like to have more of in our library. Following this we decided to get more David Walliams, Tom Gates, Roald Dahl and Jeff Kinney books.
We now have thirty two new books for our class library that we can't wait to start reading.
Our Water Paint Crazy Hair Art
Our Sound Experiments
For the past number of weeks in science we have been learning all about sound and how it travels. In particular we looked at how it travels through a solid, gas and a liquid. We looked at a number of different experiments when explore sound but certainly the string telephones was our favourite one.
Our Google Slide Presentation on Historical Buildings
In history we have been learning about famous Irish Buildings while during our IT lessons we have been looking how to use Google Slides. In pairs we decided a famous building to do further research, after completing our research we created a shared Google Slide. We hope you enjoy reading about are research below.
Our Minecraft Selfie Art
This week we were learning about scale in data during maths and this tied into our art lesson where we created a Minecraft version of ourselves. We had used grid lines to help with the scale for our drawings. Can you pick who are we are?
Our Owl Art
We have been focusing on drawing in art over the past number of weeks, we have looked at some different techniques that can be used when drawing.
This week we following an instructional drawing on our iPads. We were really happy with how they turned out.
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween from all in 3rd & 4th class. We had great during our fancy dress and our Halloween parade in the big yard with the rest of the school. After we took some pictures using our green screen background.