The Cherry Blossom Room
6th Class 21/22
Hi everyone, we are sixth class. Our teacher is Mrs O’Mahony. We are looking forward to a fun, educational and productive school year.
‘Tús maith leath na hoibre’.
Class Information
Class Teacher : Mrs. Maria O'Mahony
Our Class
Sixth Class went on a school trip to Dublin.
We visited The Book of Kells and library in Trinity College.
We had an amazing tour of The Dáil.
The train and luas journeys were great fun.
Sixth Class played the school staff in a soccer match.
Sixth Class won the match on penalties.
Great fun was had by all.
Well done sixth class.

5th and 6th Class
School Tour 2022
Killaloe Adventure Centre
We moulded our clay to form pinch pots.
When the pots were dry we painted them.
Our finished pinch pots :)
Thank you to Thomás Ahern for bringing Liam the lamb to school. We learnt so much about lambs and sheep.
Liam the lamb was a welcome visitor to our school today.
Our first walk to the shop this school year. We worked hard to get to the shop. We had a target and we achieved it.
Our trip to the shop was a success. Plenty of sweets and treats were bought. A huge thanks to our local shop and Elaine for being so patient and kind.
Our School Garden
Today we began to reform our school garden. With the help of Tim the sixth class planted lettuce and cauliflower.
Our School Garden
The sixth class will look after the school garden, help the younger classes in the school with their vegetable patches, update the gardens art work and hopefully grow some vegetables :)
Wednesday 16/03/22 we went swimming. We were so excited to be leaving school. We were even more excited to be on a bus again. Swimming was a huge success. We have five weeks of swimming to look forward to.
Sixth Class have worked incredibly hard over the past three weeks completing their projects. The children could choose any country in the world for their project. The children displayed their projects using google slides. power- points, charts and flip- charts. Each child presented their project to the class. Each project was undertaken at home. This is our second project this year. Our first project was based on entrepreneurs worldwide.
Our Spring collage took three weeks to complete. The Spring collage is an outstanding piece of art created by all of the sixth class students. It is on display in the school corridor. We creatively discussed what we would draw on the collage. Each child either drew or painted at least three times on the collage. We collaborated and enjoyed the creative process. Our Spring Collage is a credit to our talented sixth class.
There was great excitement today when Pat Spratt our GAA Coach arrived to school . The children had great fun practicing football drills and playing games. We can't wait for next week. Thank you Pat.
Beannachtaí Lá Fhéile Bríde. Today we made St. Brigid 's Crosses. We learnt all about St. Brigid and the importance of the cross.
St. Brigid’s Blessing
May Brigid bless the house wherein you dwell
Bless every fireside every wall and door
Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof
Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy
Bless every foot that walks its portals through
May Brigid bless the house that shelters you.
This month we have been learning about the theme of 'The Polar Regions'. We have been learning about the polar regions during history, geography and science. We have studied The Arctic Circle, Antarctica, exploration, ice, Roald Amundsen and Tom Crean.
Congratulations Calum. Calum has worked hard and has been chosen to play for Cork U13's schoolboy soccer league.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh agus go raibh gach sonas oraibh an Nollaig seo ó rang a sé.
Congratulations Amanda. You won the class Christmas raffle. Here is Amanda in her new Sherpa Hoodie.
6th Class donate food to St. Vincent de Paul
We are wearing our Masks in 6th Class
We had great fun when The Nutty Scientist came to visit. Take a look at the photos to see us undertaking experiments, learning and having fun.
We love being outdoors and active. We also love being rewarded with golden time for our hard work. Here we are learning some hockey skills.