6th Class 2022/23
Welcome to the class blog for 6th class. We hope that enjoy looking at some the activities, lessons and outings that we get up to in our class.
Class Information
Class Teacher : Mr. Donagh O'Mahony
Email: donagh@ballycloughns.com for class queries.
office@ballycloughns.com for administrative queries.
School Tour: Osyterhaven Activity Centre

This year for our school your tour we went to Osyterhaven Activity Centre. Here we completed a various land and water based activities. As you can see in the video great fun was had by all! We certainly made memories to last.
Soccer Blitz Success for our 6th Class Girls
A big well done to our 6th class girls team who won the soccer blitz ran by Buttevent AFC. The girls played great on the day by winning all their games in the groups stage to quailify for the final. The final was very close and tense and ended one all. This meant the final was going to be decided by finals, lucky our girls came out on top after a very nerve-racking shootout.
6th Class Boys Soccer
Hard luck to our 6th class boys teams who lost the final of the Buttevent AFC final recently. The boys played great on the day winning all the games in their groups which meant they qualified for the final. The boys put up a great performance in the final and were very unlucky to not to come home with the trophy.
Confirmation 2023
Congratulations to the boys in 6th & 5th class who made their confirmation in Ballyclough Church. A big thank you at everyone who helped to prepare the class for the ceremony.
Confirmation Retreat
Thank you to Fr. Leader for organising a confirmation retreat for our class. On the day we got to complete the retreat with 5th & 6th class from Kilbrin National School.
Confirmation Art
Have a look at some of the art that we created for the church for our up coming confirmation.
World Book Day
We really enjoyed celebrating World Book Day with the pupils in Junior & Senior Infants. As part of the day we created book marks, read books, talked about our favourites characters. We all had great fun.
Confirmation E-Book Projects
Click on the image below to have a read through the e-book projects that we made for confirmation. We researched our saints and once we had our information and pictures we created our projects on our ipads using book creator.
ICT Skills with Junior & Senior Infants
Using the iPads is one of favourite activities to do in school and we were delighted when we got the opportunity to share our digital skills with the Junior & Senior Infants. The Infant classes are busy learning all their sight words and got to share, teach and explain ICT games regarding sight words.
Swimming Lessons in Mallow Swimming Pool
We recenlty began out six week block of swimming lessons in Mallow Swimming Pool. This is a part of the PE Curriculum that we look foward to every year. A big thank you to our Parent's Association who contribute to the cost of the lessons.
Pancake Tuesday
We got a lovely treat today in school when our teacher made us pancakes. We have a choice of toppings, but Nutella was certainly the favourite by us!
Lá Fhéile Bríde
We had great fun today in class learning all about St.Brigid. We looked a presentation about her life and had a Kahoot Quiz to test our knowledge after, well done to the winners! After we got to make our very own St. Brigid Crosses which we really enjoyed.
La Fheile Bride Shona Daoibh
Credit Union Quiz
Each week in school we complete a Kahoot Quiz, this is a digital Quiz that we do on our iPads. The topic of these quizzes are often about the work we covered in SESE that week. We also look at different types of quizzes as this is something we really enjoy doing as a class.
We recently joined up with 5th class to have a quiz to pick a team to represent the school in this years Credit Union Quiz. The standard was extremely high and it was very close.
A big well done to the pupils who were picked to represent the school in the Credit Union Quiz. They did a great job and got on very well.
Fun in the Snow
The recent snowfall gave us the chance to make our own class snowman. We really enjoyed getting to go outside and have such fun in the snow.
Rugby Skills with Mallow Rugby Club
A big thank you to Maeve and all in Mallow Rugby club who came to school over a number of weeks to teach tag rugby to 6th class. The class got to explore all the elements of the game in a fun and engaging manner.
Happy Christmas from all in 6th Class
Today marked the start of the Christmas Holidays. We had a great time completed a Kahoot Christmas Quiz with 3rd & 4th class. It really put our Christmas knowledge to the test!
After the quiz Santa popped in to say a quick hello and to wish us all a Merry Christmas. A big thank to our Parent's Assocation who accompanied Santa and brought a selection box for each of us.
Happy Christmas!
Secret Santa Presents
As a class we decided we would like to do Secret Santa. For this we got to pick the name of one of our classmates from a hat and then buy them a present we thought they would like. Once all the presents were in school, we got to open them and had to guess who we thought got us the presents.
Christmas Fire Safety Talk
In the run up to Christmas we were delighted to have Jonathan Madden from the Mallow Fire Department visit our class. He gave a very informative talk to the class during which he covered vital fire safety information to follow over the Christmas holidays.
Our Penguin Art
Have a look at our penguin art that we recenlty completed.
Christmas Drawing Webinar Tutorial
We were delighted to partake in a webinar which was ran by the Wexford Education Centre. During this webinar artist Sarah Bowie did step by step drawing with the class in how to draw cartoon Christmas Characters. We really enjoyed partaking in the webinar. At the end of the webinar we animated our drawings using Chatter Pics before uploading them onto our digital portfolios.
Santa Comes to Ballyclough
There was a lot of excitement in the class when we got a special visit from Santa. This was organised in association with Temple Street Hospital. A big thank to everyone from their generous donations to such a worthy cause.
6th Class Goes to the Cinema
As a Christmas treat we got to go to the cinema in Mallow to see Home Alone 2. We had great fun on to bus to and from the cinema during which we sang some of our favourite Christmas songs to get us into the Christmas spirit. We got to bring along some extra treats to watch during the film. The film got glowing reviews by all the class!
Collaborative Learning & Fun with our Junior and Senior Infants
We always enjoy when we get the opportunities to work with the younger classes in the school. Recently, we got to do paired work with the pupils in Junior & Seniors Infants. As part of this, we got to listen to and read stories with them. We also got to chance to get involved with their Aistear which was great fun!
Our Community Garda Talks to 6th Class
We were delighted to welcome back our community Garda John Fitzgerald back to our school. He gave a very informative and important talk to us about the impact the cyber bullying can have on others. He also went through some very practical steps that we can take that can help to eliminate and deal with cyber bullying.
A big talk you to Garda Fitzgearld for coming in and we look forward to welcoming him back again soon.
Biachlár e-book
In Irish we have been focusing on the theme of Bia. We integrated this in with our ICT lessons where we have been continuing to learn how to create digital e-books.
Have a look at the menu's we created to practice the vocabulary we have been learning in Irish.
Christmas Cards
We were delighted to receive our Christmas Cards that came in the post today. A few weeks back we got to design our very own Christmas Cards, it was great to see our work published. We can't wait to send out our cards to our friends and families.
Fifa Men's World Cup e-book
Having complete our research and written project on the countries that are partaking in this years Fifa Men's World Cup. We decide to create e-books based on the research that we completed. We each have our own book creator account that we access through the use of own individual QR codes. We each created our own e-book based on our country, as part of this designed in own style. Once all the e-books were created we then combined all the books to create one book. Click on the image and it will bring you to our very own e-book. We hope that you enjoy reading it!
Fifa Men's World Cup Projects
We currently looking at all things World Cup in our class. We each picked a team from a hat to follow and we then researched these countries. Have a look through our projects that we created.
Badminton Fun During PE
Since the start of the school year we have been focusing on the strand of games in PE. We have looked as a look of different games such as hockey, tag rugby, soccer, basket and rounders. Most recently we explored the skills thats involved in badminton and got to play some badminton games.
Orienteering in Doneraile Park
Cork Sport Partnership recently ran an orienteering event in Doneraile Park. Before we began we shown how to read and follow maps, how to use a legend, how to find north in a map and finally how to use our card and punch. Once this was down we had to use the map to complete the challenge around the park to see who would be first back with their card completed. After the orienteering we got to have some free time in the playground which was great fun!
Dream Space Student Workshop
We as a class are delighted to partaking in European Code Week. As part of this we completed an online workshop with the Dream Space Team in Microsoft for Education. In this workshop we were taught what is computer science, coding and all the different terms that are used when coding. We also got to follow their instructions on how to use block coding to create our very own Retro Arcade Game. We had great fun in creating our very own games using code. If you would like to try to code your own games using the Microsoft Code Arcade then click on the link below.
World Mental Health Day: Monday 10th October
On Monday 10th October we celebrated World Mental Health Day. A big thank you to Claudia who came into our class and thought us a number of different mindfulness techniques. We also got a exchange one of our written pieces of homework to complete one of the World Mental Health Day Activities.
Football Blitz
A big well done to our boys and girls in 5th & 6th class who played in a Blitz in Glantane today. Both teams played two matches each and put in great performances. They showed a great level of skill, determination and teamwork. We are already looking forward to our next set of matches!
STEM Challenge: The Longest Paper Chain
We always enjoy getting to explore STEM Challenges as a class. Our most recent challenge was to see who could make the longest paper chain by only using one A4 sheet of paper, a scissors and a glue stick. Following brainstorming and putting a strategy in place, it was time to begin the challenge. Each team approached the challenge in a different manner. Following some great excitement it was time to measure the lengths of our chains. Sadly, some chains broke when measuring as the teams focused too much on the length of the chain instead instead of the strength.
A big well done to the winning team of Anna & Clodagh who won homework off vouchers. Their chain measure a huge four metres long!
Football Training
We are delighted to back football training again for the our up coming Scaith na Scoil matches. A big thank you to that teachers that are helping us to improve our skills.
Making Apple Tarts with Apples from our School Garden

We had great fun recently when we made apple tarts using apples from our school garden. Have a look at our video to see how we made them. A big thank you our form teacher Mrs. Cashman who popped in to give us a helping hand in making our tarts. We also got to make cheesecake buns with our leftover pastry which we got to cook and eat in school.