6th Class
Welcome to the class blog for 6th class. We hope that enjoy looking at some the activities, lessons and outings that we get up to in our class.
Class Information
Class Teacher : Mr. Donagh O'Mahony
Email: donagh@ballycloughns.com for class queries.
office@ballycloughns.com for administrative queries.
Secret Santa
In the run up to Christmas the class did secret santa, where each person was given a person in the class to buy presents for. There was great fun and excitement in opening the presents and trying to guess who was the person that bought presents for us.
Happy Christmas!
A Special Visitor
On the day of the Christmas Holidays we had a very special visitor to the school, Santa made a surprise visit with our Parents Association! We had great fun talking to him and we even sang a Christmas song with him. The selection boxes were an extra treat that we really enjoyed.
6th Class Goes to the Cinema
In the lead up to Christmas we went to the cinema in Mallow. We have great fun in the bus in and out as sang Christmas songs together. In the cinema we saw the film Wicked. We really enjoyed the film and a great day out was had by all.
Concern Primary Debate Team
A massive well done to out 6th class debate team who won the first round of the Concern Debating Competition. The team really worked hard over the past number of weeks getting ready for the debate and it really showed with the arguments and counterargument's that they made.
Maith sibh!
Halloween Fun
Halloween is always a day of fun and games in Scoil Eoin Naofa and this year was no different. We had great fun dressing up, partaking in our spooky walk and having a really fun assembly before relaxing for the evening by watching a Halloween film.
Happy Halloween!
Modern Day Mona Lisa & Tom Crean Art
We learnt all about the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci. We focus on his painting of the Mona Lisa. We created our own modern day versions of this painting!
We have been looking at the theme of Antarctica and learnt all about the life of Tom Crean. We created portraits of Tom Crean using charcoal.
Science Fun
In science we have been exploring about materials. As part of them we create a parachute for an egg to see which was the best material to protect the egg.
Exploring 3D Shapes
In maths we have been learning all about 3D Shapes. As part of this we created our own 3D shapes using marshmallow, glue tac and spaghetti.
Digital Learning Surveys
Our student council have been busy going around to the different classes completing surveys for our new Digital Learning Plan
Active School & Student Council Committees
Active Schools Committee 2024/25
Student Council 2024/25
Internet Safety Talk
We were delighted to welcome Dr. Maureen Griffen to our school for an internet safety talk recently, she gave us great information about been safe online.
Mé Féin
For the month of September we have been focusing on the theme of Mé Féin (myself) in Irish. We learn questions all about ourselves and wrote a piece based on ourselves. We have also been focusing on drawing in art, as part of this we created minecraft selfies verious of ourselves.
Football Training
Over the past few weeks for PE we have been focusing on improving our GAA Skills. We have been training with 4th and 5th class. We really enjoy getting to use our large school field.
Welcome to 6th Class 2024/25
Say hello to you 6th class of 2024/25, we are looking forward to keeping you update with some of the activities that we get up to.