1st & 2nd Class
Welcome to the archived class blog for 3rd & 4th Class from 2023/24. We hope that enjoy looking at some the activities, lessons and outings that the children got up to in their class.Â
Class Information
Class Teacher :Â Ms. Amanda O'Sullivan
1st Class
2nd Class
World Book Day
1st and 2nd Class were busy investigating length this week. We measured with our span, stride, copies, books and learned about centimetes and meters!
Practice for our school show "HONK" has begun!
A Trip to the Cinema
We had a great day at the cinema in Mallow. We went to watch a new movie called wish! It was magical.
Santa visited us on his sleigh!Â
He was raising money for Temple Street Children's hospital. Thanks you to everyone who donated.
Second Class
First Class
Science Week
Lava Lamps
The Nutty Scientist
Rugby with Kenneth
Happy Halloween
Do you recognise anyone?
1st Class
2nd Class
Ms O' Sullivan and Claudia
Seeing Double
Today Junior + Senior Infants, 1st + 2nd class enjoyed a Virtual Autumn Farm Tour on a local Dairy Farm.
We are participating in a new virtual farm tour series called “Farming Through the Seasons” by Agri Aware.
We already can’t wait for our winter farm tour!
We made delicious chocolate covered apples this week!Â
It was so much fun.Â
Our classroom smelled like chocolate all day long.
Pumpkin Carving Maths Activity
We had great fun carving a pumpkin today!Â
We counted all the seeds and put then in groups of 2, 5 and 10.
There was 466 seeds in the pumpkin,.
Future Leaders at Work
In Religion we have been learning about the "Law of Love" and why rules are important.
This led us to the question "If you were the leaders of a new country, what would be your top 4 rules."
The children discussed this in pairs and shared their rules with the class. This lead to great conversation amongst the children.
Maths Week Fun
We started the week off with a really fun pumpkin investigation!
100 Square Race! This game is pure luck
We played a simple version of Seduko - 1st class have been working on bonds of 10 so this game was really fun!
We finished out the week with lots of fun board games!
Handwriter of the Week
Gaelgoir na Seachtaine
Pupil of the Week
Handwriter of the Week
Gaelgoir na Seachtaine
Pupil of the Week
Food Dudes
Food dudes is off to a great start in 1st and 2nd Class!Â
So far we have tasted banana, blueberries, peppers and carrots.
Autumn YogaÂ
with Claudia
Handwriter of the Week
Gaelgoir na Seachtaine
Pupil of the Week

In English we read a recipe for party buns! We had great fun testing the recipe.
Handwriter of the Week
Gaelgoir na Seachtaine
Pupil of the Week
Our Favourite Things
We are continuing to learn about each other in SPHE. This week we shared our favourite things with each other.
Native Plants and Animals
In SESE we larned about Native plants and animals! We then went on a scavenger hunt around the yard. We collected lots of different plants and animals and used them for printing in Art.
My Name
We have been getting to know our new classmates, learning each others names and where they come from. We learned some names in Irish.
Thank you Jackie for a great 1st Music Lesson! We really enjoyed it and cannot wait for next week.
Handwriter of the Week
Gaelgoir na Seachtaine
Pupil of the Week
Teddy Bears Picnic
We took advantage of the sun and had a lovely picnic outside on Friday!
Back to School
We are delighted to be back in school!Â
We are having lots of fun playing, learning and getting to know each other!